My family visited Florida a lot in the 1960's and 70's. Cypress knee lamps are probably still being made but even then we found them hideous. A trip to harvest a few knees on our own resulted in a canoe trip with the largest spider any of us had ever seen. All of us survived the voyage.

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What an adventure! Glad you survived and thank you for the new rabbit hole to dive down.

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Max Falkowitz

Comparing the regular size and bonsai size winter trees helped me understand that bonsai are not just 'small' but they are massive in their smallness- without the pot I would not know they are miniatures. Thank you!

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This made my gloomy winter morning brighter. Thank you Max. Your commentary a revelation.

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Wow! These bonsai are truly breathtaking.

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